CASA CINE Pitch Event at Festival de Cannes

Friday, May 19th, at 6pm, all of CASA CINE’s residents will pitch their projects in Cannes, at the Pavillon Les Cinémas du Monde.

5/16/20231 min read

The first edition of the CASA CINE residency began last week at the Château de La Napoule. Resident screenwriters have been at work in the development of their scripts, mentored by filmmakers Fernando Pérez and Agnès Jaoui, while resident composers have been completely dedicated to the creation of a soundtrack for their respective feature film collaborations.

Organized by La Napoule Art Foundation and SERENA Productions, the CASA CINE residency takes place for 3 weeks each year in parallel with the Festival de Cannes. It aims to accompany authors in their transition to feature film, to introduce them into professional networks, and to promote international co-productions.

Therefore, every participant will have the opportunity to present their project, as well as their work, to an audience of film professionals such as producers, distributors, festival representatives and directors, during a pitch event at Pavillon Les Cinémas du Monde - Festival de Cannes, on Friday, May 19th, at 6pm. The presentations will be followed by a cocktail, where residents will have time to network and exchange ideas with the present professionals.

This year, 4 screenwriters and 2 film score composers have been selected from over 120 applicants and will be presenting their projects at the pitch event. Throughout the course of this week, Anna Glogowski is joining to guide them in the preparation of their presentations.

Residents :

Faustine Crespy, writer-director | FRANCE
Marta María Borrás, writer-director | CUBA
Pedro Serrazina, writer-director | PORTUGAL
Rodrigo Litorriaga, writer-director | BELGIUM / CHILE
Cora Chung, composer | TAIWAN
Pedro Santiago, composer | BRAZIL

Find more about the selected participants here:
screenwriters and film score composers, or download our Projects Booklet